Business advice
and accounting

Our purpose is to help you on your journey as you grow. Learn more about our history, partners and purpose.

Our purpose is to help you on your journey as you grow. Learn more about our history, partners and purpose.

Your partners for Business Service and Advisory, Taxation, Audit, Fraud and Risk.

Whatever your business, industry or family office, from local or international institutions we bring extensive expertise.

We're one team with a purpose and passion for what we do. Learn about our culture and career opportunities available to you.

Uncovering insights, trends and inspiration to help business grow in an ever-changing world.

We are always looking for ways to engage and give back to our community.

Telephone: +612 9283 1666

Level 13, 68 York Street,
Sydney NSW 2000

Why us

Our purpose is to help you on your journey as you grow. Learn more about our history, partners and purpose.

What we do

Your partners for Business Service and Advisory, Taxation, Audit, Fraud and Risk.

Who do we help

Whatever your business, industry or family office, from local or international institutions we bring extensive expertise.

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We're one team with a purpose and passion for what we do. Learn about our culture and career opportunities available to you.

What we think

Uncovering insights, trends and inspiration to help business grow in an ever-changing world.

Working to give back

We are always looking for ways to engage and give back to our community.

Contact us

Telephone: +612 9283 1666

Level 13, 68 York Street,
Sydney NSW 2000

Your EOFY Checklist

17 May 2021

by Brooke Steedman

It’s that time of the year again – the end of the financial year is fast approaching!

It’s been a year of highs and lows, uncertainty, big changes and a “new normal”. Whilst Australia fared better than a lot of the world in the new “COVID era”, it hasn’t come easy, and almost every single business and person has been impacted in one way or another. For those who are craving some certainty and normalcy, we can confirm the end of the financial year is coming. There will be no delays and checking in won’t be required.

The end of the financial year is often a good time to reflect on the year that’s been and offers an opportunity to reset for the year ahead.

We have put together a checklist of items to complete and tax planning opportunities to consider as the 2022 financial year begins:

For businesses

Bad debts:

Review outstanding debts prior to year-end and identify any debts that are not likely to be recovered. On the basis that you have done everything practically possible to recover the outstanding debt, consider writing off the outstanding amount as a bad debt and recover the relevant GST in your next BAS.

Fixed Assets:

Ensure that you have reviewed your fixed asset register and written off any depreciable assets identified which are no longer being used. Additionally, as part of the Federal Government budget announced in May 2021, the temporary full expensing measures have been extended. For entities who are not subject to the small business depreciation rules and have an aggregated turnover not exceeding $5 billion, assets costing up to $150,000 can be immediately written off.

For assets costing more than $150,000 purchased prior to 30 June 2022, the Federal Government has announced an accelerated depreciation scheme. Once installed for use, a business with an aggregated turnover of less than $500 million can immediately claim a 50% depreciation deduction on the asset. The remaining balance will then be depreciated as per the regular depreciation rules applicable to the business.


Employee bonuses are an area where changes to internal processes can change your tax position. By aligning your employee contracts, timing of personnel reviews and communication of results, accrued employee bonuses that would otherwise not be deductible until the following year can be claimed as a deduction in the current year.

Key due dates are as follows:

Item Due by
Staff Superannuation – 9.5% Gross Wages 30 June 2021*
June Quarter Business Activity Statement 28 July 2021
Finalisation Declaration for STP Reporting 14 July 2021
Payroll Tax 2021 Annual Reconciliation lodgement 30 October 2021

 *Note that superannuation contributions for employees need to be received by the respective superannuation funds prior to 30 June 2021 in order to obtain a tax deduction in the year ended 30 June 2021. The latest due date for superannuation guarantee contributions for the quarter ended 30 June 2021 will be 28 July 2021, to avoid potential penalties and additional tax consequences.

Financial Statements:

From 30 June 2022, AASB 2020-2 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Removal of Special Purpose Financial Statements for Certain For-Profit Private Sector Entities will require entities to prepare General Purpose Financial Statements if they satisfy the following:

  • Required by legislation to prepare financial statements that comply with Australian Accounting Standards or Accounting Standards; OR
  • Required only by their constituting or another document to prepare financial statements that comply with Australian Accounting Standards if that document was created or amended after 1 July 2021.

If you have a company or trust that currently prepares Special Purpose Financial Statements, we recommend that you review your constitution, trust deed, shareholder agreements, unitholder agreements, bank covenants, or other binding agreements to confirm that they do not require the preparation of financial statements in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards. If so, these documents will need to be amended prior to 30 June 2021, to ensure they can continue preparing Special Purpose Financial Reports.

For individuals / trusts

Motor Vehicle:

Motor vehicle logbooks are only valid for 5 years. If your logbook is 5 years old, please complete a new logbook for a continuous, representative 12-week period.


If you have a trust, to comply with relevant trust legislation, distribution minutes must be completed before the end of the financial year. This will ensure that the income of the trust for the year is distributed in accordance with the trust deed.

Working from home:

With many people currently working from home, it would be expected there to be a rise in deductible expenditure relating to these changed working circumstances.

Examples of expenditure which may be deductible relating to working from home include:

  • Electricity related to heating, cooling and lighting the area you use to work;
  • Cleaning costs for a dedicated work area;
  • Phone, internet and data expenses;
  • Printer paper, ink and other stationery; and
  • Home office equipment.

To claim a deduction for these working from home expenses, all the following must be satisfied:

  • You must have spent the money;
  • The expense must be directly related to earning your income; and
  • You must have a record to substantiate these expenses.

The ATO has provided a simplified method (i.e. short cut method) of calculating additional running expenses from until 30 June 2021. As such, there are now three ways to calculate these working from home expenses:

  • Shortcut method – 80c per hour worked from home (not just checking emails) and have incurred additional costs;
  • Fixed rate method – comprising of:
  • 52c per hour for electricity, cleaning and depreciation of office furniture;
  • Work-related components of your phone, internet, data, stationery and computer expenses; and
  • Work-related component of the depreciation of computer hardware.
  • Actual cost method – claiming the work-related portion on all actual expenditure incurred whilst working from home.

Records must be kept for all working from home deduction claims, noting that the shortcut method requires only a record of hours worked at home. The other two methods require both a record of hours, along with records of expenditure incurred.

ESV’s advisors work from a solid understanding of EOFY protocol; if you are in need of a personalised assistance plan, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on (02) 9283-1666.